Haines Boats | Product Photography

Commercial Boat Photographer

Product Photography – Haines Boats, Norfolk

Haines Marine are a Norfolk based boat builder, specialising in high quality low volume boats so product photography gets a bit interesting when you’re shooting a boat worth a third of a million pounds!  Haines are widely known as one of the best boatbuilders in the UK, probably even Europe.  So I was excited to get a call from Anglia Afloat magazine when they were planning a feature on Haines Marine.

The brief(s)

I was to spend a day alongside Justin Haines as he took the Haines 360 along the Norfolk Broads. I discussed the purpose of the shoot with Justin as well as Duncan, from Anglia Afloat, and the key purpose of the feature was to conduct a boat test and show general shots around the boat to support the feature. At the same time Justin was keen to get fresh images for their official brochure and so had quite different requirements for the images.  With these slightly differing briefs in mind I set about shooting the boat from a feature/journalistic perspective.  At the same time I was mindful that Justin wanted active as well as static shots of the boat for their brochure.  In the end I covered many of the unique parts of the boat for the in-depth parts of the feature but also hopped onto another boat we had at our disposal to capture shots of the boat “in action”. All in all it was a brilliant day with access to all areas, as well as two very different briefs to fulfil. The backdrop suited the boat perfectly as this an in-shore boat and the weather played a huge part too.



While the edit was, in the main, very straight forward with colour correction, exposure balance and mild cropping.  Due to excavation works alongside the river some composition and cloning work was required to remove the distracting backdrop. In fact one of the shots of the boat is made up of 3 entirely separate images blended together.  Also, with the internal shots there was exposure layering work to be done, time-consuming but necessary to get the right balance of light in the image and make it look entirely natural.

Commercial Boat Photographer Commercial Boat Photographer Commercial Boat PhotographerCommercial Boat Photographer Commercial Boat Photographer Commercial Boat Photographer Commercial Boat Photographer Commercial Boat Photographer


Bentley Priory Museum – Commercial Website Photography | Commercial Photography

Commercial Website Photographer

Commercial Website Photographer

Bentley Priory Museum – Commercial Website Photography

Bentley Priory Museum were looking to update their website imagery and came to me with a requirement for casual imagery, to capture people looking around the museum, as well formal shots of all of their rooms.  Exhibits as well as artefacts were shot to give a full appreciation of the environment.

You feel totally immersed in the era when you step inside their museum, it really is astonishing.  It is a magnificent building which boasts an ornate sweeping staircase, intricately designed and painted ceilings and spectacular chandeliers. To the rear it has views across the countryside which really add something special to the whole experience.

Bentley Museum had arranged models of their target age groups to look around the museum.  Parents walked with their children around the museum absorbing the history, and later the children were let loose in the art room downstairs where they created flight-inspired works of art to adorn the walls of the museum.  We had a great time getting the children involved.  Meanwhile the formal shots of the rooms were to really showcase the details they had spent a very long time restoring, paying homage to those that flew during the wars.

A High Dynamic Range photography technique was used to ensure the full light and shade of the formal interior shots was captured.

All the images from this shoot, as well as others commissioned since, can be found at their website just here – Bentley Priory Museum

Commercial Website PhotographerCommercial Website PhotographerCommercial Website PhotographerCommercial Website PhotographerCommercial Website PhotographerCommercial Website Photographer Commercial Website PhotographerCommercial Website PhotographerCommercial Website PhotographerCommercial Website PhotographerCommercial Website PhotographerCommercial Website PhotographerCommercial Website PhotographerCommercial Website Photographer