Proserv & Morgan Sindall, Beacon Park, Yarmouth | PR Photography

PR Photography Yarmouth for Morgan Sindall

PR Photography Assignment

With a new base being developed for Proserv along the Norfolk coast, in a key enterprise zone, it seemed only fitting to mark the occasion with a ceremonial sign fixing.  Proserv is a key player in global energy services and their presence in the region is a major time and resource investment for both them and the local council.  Morgan Sindall are the construction partner on this development and asked Maxim Photo to cover this event with images destined to be circulated among local printed/online media as well as National trade publications.

Known as Artemis House, this building will house 200 employees and make a significant contribution to the local economy. And although Proserv are to be a leaseholder of this building they have have invested around £2 million for the fit out, further re-enforcing their commitment to this venture.

Although a tad muddy and very rainy during this shoot, spirits were upbeat as teams from Proserv and Morgan Sindall showed local council members as well as the LEP around the premises.

Ultimately we were happy with the variety and number of shots given the time constraints.


Image delivery

Clients that request assignments such as these place a heavy emphasis on the immediacy of image availability.  The main images were edited at the site office so as they could be circulated as quickly as possible to ensure blanket local media coverage that same day, with the rest of the images being delivered the following day for wider publication.

PR Photography Yarmouth for Morgan Sindall PR Photography Yarmouth for Morgan Sindall PR Photography Yarmouth for Morgan Sindall PR Photography Yarmouth for Morgan Sindall PR Photography Yarmouth for Morgan Sindall PR Photography Yarmouth for Morgan Sindall PR Photography Yarmouth for Morgan Sindall PR Photography Yarmouth for Morgan Sindall PR Photography Yarmouth for Morgan Sindall PR Photography Yarmouth for Morgan Sindall PR Photography Yarmouth for Morgan Sindall PR Photography Yarmouth for Morgan Sindall PR Photography Yarmouth for Morgan Sindall PR Photography Yarmouth for Morgan Sindall PR Photography Yarmouth for Morgan Sindall PR Photography Yarmouth for Morgan Sindall PR Photography Yarmouth for Morgan Sindall PR Photography Yarmouth for Morgan Sindall PR Photography Yarmouth for Morgan Sindall PR Photography Yarmouth for Morgan Sindall PR Photography Yarmouth for Morgan Sindall PR Photography Yarmouth for Morgan Sindall PR Photography Yarmouth for Morgan Sindall PR Photography Yarmouth for Morgan Sindall PR Photography Yarmouth for Morgan Sindall PR Photography Yarmouth for Morgan Sindall PR Photography Yarmouth for Morgan Sindall PR Photography Yarmouth for Morgan Sindall PR Photography Yarmouth for Morgan Sindall PR Photography Yarmouth for Morgan Sindall PR Photography Yarmouth for Morgan Sindall PR Photography Yarmouth for Morgan Sindall PR Photography Yarmouth for Morgan Sindall PR Photography Yarmouth for Morgan Sindall PR Photography Yarmouth for Morgan Sindall PR Photography Yarmouth for Morgan Sindall PR Photography Yarmouth for Morgan Sindall PR Photography Yarmouth for Morgan Sindall PR Photography Yarmouth for Morgan Sindall PR Photography Yarmouth for Morgan Sindall


(All images are copyright – do not use without the appropriate licence)



Orbit Homes – St Anne’s Quarter Norwich | PR Photography

Orbit Homes PR Photography

PR Photography

Orbit Homes are one of the UK’s largest developing housing associations, they build around 1,500 new homes each year. The purchased a long-empty site in the centre of Norwich and had compelling plans to regenerate this key site.


At the early stages of any development there are extensive exploratory works and this site was no exception as it was steeped in history. My role was to follow key local government personnel and Orbit management around the site to document the tour.  This tour was arranged to provide local officials with an insight into the site’s rich history and, through the images provided, show locals how much progress has been made on-site.


During the site tour a documentary approach was required in order to allow officials and management to explore without having to pose for any photos.  Any posed shots were to be carried out at the beginning of the assignment as they stood at the pile driver.  This pile driver was there to drive the first holes into the ground to begin the foundation work.  Many of the images were taken at Howard House towards the back of the site.  A 16th century house owned by the Duke of Norfolk. Having stood derelict for 25 years  it was one part of the site which was steeped in history and many exhibits were laid out for inspection. Following the tour all dignitaries were taken to the neighbouring Dragon’s Hall for refreshments and to see the full plans for the site.


Orbit Homes PR Photography Orbit Homes PR Photography Orbit Homes PR Photography Orbit Homes PR Photography Orbit Homes PR Photography Orbit Homes PR Photography Orbit Homes PR Photography Orbit Homes PR Photography Orbit Homes PR Photography Orbit Homes PR Photography Orbit Homes PR Photography

The view from Howard House

Orbit Homes PR Photography Orbit Homes PR Photography Orbit Homes PR Photography Orbit Homes PR Photography Orbit Homes PR Photography Orbit Homes PR Photography Orbit Homes PR Photography Orbit Homes PR Photography Orbit Homes PR Photography

Pandora | PR Photography

PR Photography 

Pandora has to be one of the best known Jewellery brands in the UK and to keep a strong profile they have a regular requirement for strong PR Photography.

We were asked to provide coverage of some new store openings as well as store refurbishment and re-launches. These events were opportunities for people to reacquaint themselves with the store and brand, as well as enter prize draws and gain introductory discounts. We were tasked to covering these events as unobtrusively as possible so as to ensure natural interaction with store staff. Both Pandora and the Franchisee needed natural shots but also required a large stock of images for their records: store shots inside prior to store opening and team photos outside the store.  This particular selection is from the Southend-on-Sea store re-opening after extensive refitting and extension into another retail unit.

The store manager, Farah, had asked for the images to be turned around as quick as possible to get the most mileage from the imagery in local press and on the Pandora website. Images were delivered the next working day.

If you have a key PR event that you’d like to have covered in order to gain more brand exposure then please do get in touch with your questions.Pandora PR Photography

NHS STOPtober campaign 1


NHS STOPtober Campaign Photography

I was delighted to be asked to cover an initiative for the NHS recently called STOPtober.  This is a key campaign the NHS run to help smokers STOP – simple right?

Well, many people find it hard to stop smoking so the NHS has a range of services and support to help.  It’s a fantastic idea as smoking related diseases are a massive burden on the NHS, so any opportunity to reduce that burden and live a healthier life is an opportunity worth taking. It all starts with a 28 day challenge with full ongoing support.  A bite size way to tackle an addiction.

The brief

The NHS spend millions fighting the effects of smoking each year and so wanted to put a more friendly and personable spin to the message this year.  So, as well photographing the team and store management of the local ASDA store to show just how much support is being given, they also wanted imagery of those affected.  And so we were invited to sit in on a one-to-one session held in a private room in the store.  During this session a man who had been a heavy smoker for many years was received coaching, information and updates on what is available and also sharing his experiences of giving up gradually.  As, ultimately, you’re more likely to give up with support and when moving away from cigarettes gradually, instead of just going cold turkey. During these sessions their readings are taken to see how much their breathing has improved and how the nicotine in their system has been reducing. The images taken are set to be used in local collateral to drive home the message of the personal support that is given.